Class Meetings and Notes

All meetings will be in Duane G1B20, 12:30-1:45PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, unless noted below.

Prof. Fox-Kemper's office hours are Mondays 1:30-3:30PM in Ekeley S250B or by appointment ( TA Ben Blazey's office hours are Mondays 5-7PM in Duane E126 or by appointment ( Quantitative problem sessions and exam reviews are also held during this Monday 5-7 time.

The ATOC Study Center is available for you, too. It is on Mondays through Thursdays from 5 to 7PM. These meetings are held in Duane E126 on Mondays & Wednesdays or in the Hart Lab on Tuesdays & Thursdays. The Hart Lab is in the Stadium between gates 5 and 6, through the door labeled 'ATOC Weather Lab'. It is classroom STAD136C on the left. There will be advanced ATOC students there to tutor and guide you through HW assignments.

Homework should be submitted by Tuesday@12:30PM on CULearn. In CULearn you can also ask questions and post comments to a discussion board. I will post emailed questions there, too.

The calendar and links are below. You can subscribe to a public calendar called "ATOC1060: Our Changing Environment" for dates and assignment reminders.



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(Due 12:30PM on Date)
1 KKC Chp 1, IPCC FAQ (alt. server), Essential Principles 1/11: Introduction & Overview 1/13: Timescales & Water Properties Due 1/18: CULearn Wk1
2 KKC Chp 2, KKC Chp 3 1/18: Systems 1/20: Energy Balance 1: Temperature and Radiation Due 1/25: CULearn Wk2
3 KKC Chp 3 1/25: Energy Balance 2: Basic Planetary Energy Balance 1/27: Energy Balance 3: Clouds, Feedbacks, Modeling Due 2/1: CULearn Wk3
4 KKC Chp 4 2/1: Atmosphere 1: Hadley Cell 2/3: Atmosphere 2: Stratification & Jets Due 2/8: CULearn Wk4
5 KKC Chp 4 2/8: Atmosphere 3: Cyclones 2/10:Atmosphere 4: Seasonality Due 2/15: CULearn Wk5
6 KKC Chp 5 2/15: Oceans 1: Ekman 2/17: Oceans 2: Geostrophic Due 2/22: CULearn Wk6
7 KKC Chp 5 2/22: Oceans 3: Boundary Currents & Meridional Overturning 2/24: Oceans 4: El Nino Due 3/1: CULearn Wk7
8 KKC Chp 6, KKC Chp 7, KKC Chp 8, KKC Chp 9 3/1: Cryosphere, Lithosphere, & Biosphere 3/3: Cycles, Metabolism Due 3/8: CULearn Wk8
9 KKC Chp 10, KKC Chp 11, KKC Chp 12, KKC Chp 13, KKC Chp 14 3/8: Paleoclimate 1: Origins & Regulation 3/10: Paleoclimate 2: History & Glaciation Due 3/15: CULearn Wk9
10 Review KKC 1-14 3/15: Exam Prep 3/17: Midterm on Chapters 1-14 Due 3/29: No Homework!
11 Spring Break 3/22: Spring Break 3/24: Spring Break Spring Break
12 KKC Chp 15 3/29: Global Warming 1: Obs. & Fallacies 3/31: Global Warming 2: Carbon Due 4/5: CULearn Wk12
13 KKC Chp 16 4/5: Global Warming 3: Impacts 4/7: Global Warming 4: Adaptation & Mitigation Due 4/12: CULearn Wk13
14 KKC Chp 17 4/12: Ozone 1 4/14: Ozone 2 Due 4/19: CULearn Wk14
15 KKC Chp 18, KKC Chp 19 4/19: Biodiversity Threats 4/21: Extraterrestrial Climates Due 4/26: CULearn Wk15
16 IPCC 2007: FAQ (alt. server), Synthesis Summary (alt. server), Physical Science Policymaker Summary (alt. server) 4/26: Summary & IPCC 1, IPCC FAQ (Exam Guide) 4/28: Summary & IPCC 2, IPCC FAQ (Exam Guide)
17 Exam Week Final Exam on All Materials
Tuesday, 5/3, 4:30-7PM
Exam Week Exam Week