ATOC5051, Spring 2010

Intro to Physical Oceanography, or Notions for the Motions of the Oceans

Reading Assignment 6

This reading assignment covers vorticity, potential vorticity, and geostrophic adjustment.

  1. Geoff Vallis's Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Chapters 3.6, 3.8, 4.
  2. Joe Pedlosky's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Chapter 2.
  3. Cushman-Roisin and Beckers's Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Chapter 15.2-15.4.
  4. Vorticity, Part 1 Movie (Needs Realplayer).
  5. Vorticity, Part 2 (Needs Realplayer).

The reading quiz is due by class time. It can be accessed through CULearn.

Optional additional reading may be useful for the assignment:

  1. Chapter 12 of Robert H. Stewart's Introduction to Physical Oceanography.