[1] | J. Dong, B. Fox-Kemper, J. Wenegrat, A. Bodner, X. Yu, S. Belcher, and C. Dong. Submesoscales are a significant turbulence source in global ocean surface boundary layer. Nature Communications, 15(9566), November 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[2] | L. Johnson and B. Fox-Kemper. Modification of boundary layer turbulence by submesoscale flows. Flow, 4, October 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[3] | J. M. Nicklas, B. Fox-Kemper, and C. Lawrence. Efficient estimation of climate state and its uncertainty using Kalman filtering with application to policy thresholds and volcanism. Journal of Climate, October 2024. in press. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[4] | A. Lo Piccolo, C. Horvat, and B. Fox-Kemper. Energetics and transfer of submesoscale brine driven eddies at a sea ice edge. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54:1489--1501, July 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[5] | J. M. Lilly, J. Feske, B. Fox-Kemper, and J. J. Early. Integral theorems for the gradient of a vector field, with a fluid dynamical application. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, 480(2293), July 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[6] | H. Cao, Z. Jing, and B. Fox-Kemper. Scale-dependent vertical heat transport inferred from quasi-synoptic submesoscale-resolving observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12):e2024GL110190, June 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[7] | A. Sane, B. Fox-Kemper, and D. Ullman. Internal vs forced variability metrics for geophysical flows using information theory. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 129(5):e2023JC020101, May 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[8] | X. Fan, B. Fox-Kemper, N. Suzuki, Q. Li, P. Marchesiello, P. Sullivan, and P. Hall. Comparison of the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community Model (CROCO) and NCAR-LES in non-hydrostatic simulations. Geoscientific Model Development, 17:4095--4113, May 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[9] | W. Xu, B. Fox-Kemper, J.-E. Lee, J. B. Marston, and Z. Zhu. Topological signature of stratospheric Poincaré -- gravity waves. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, March 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[10] | H. Cao, M. Freilich, X. Song, Z. Jing, B. Fox-Kemper, B. Qiu, R. D. Hetland, F. Chai, D. Chen, and S. Ruiz. Oceanic submesoscale stirring as a crucial mechanism maintaining subsurface chlorophyll maxima within cyclonic eddies. Geophysical Research Letters, 51:e2023GL105793, February 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[11] | Q. Wang, Q. Shu, A. Bozec, E. P. Chassignet, P. G. Fogli, B. Fox-Kemper, A. M. Hogg, D. Iovino, A. E. Kiss, N. Koldunov, J. L. Sommer, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, I. Polyakov, P. Scholz, D. Sidorenko, S. Wang, and X. Xu. Impact of high resolution on Arctic Ocean simulations in Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2). Geoscientific Model Development, Jan 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[12] | S. Brenner, C. Horvat, P. Hall, A. Lo Piccolo, B. Fox-Kemper, S. Labbe, and V. Dansereau. Scale-dependent air-sea exchange in the polar oceans: floe-floe and floe-flow coupling in the generation of ice-ocean boundary layer turbulence. Geophysical Research Letters, 50:e2023GL105703, December 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[13] | P. Van Katwyk, B. Fox-Kemper, H. Seroussi, S. Nowicki, and K. J. Bergen. A variational LSTM emulator of sea level contribution from the Antarctic ice sheet. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15:e2023MS003899, December 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[14] | S. Palazzo-Corner, M. Siegert, P. Ceppi, B. Fox-Kemper, T. Frolicher, A. Gallego-Sala, J. Haigh, C. Jones, R. Knutti, A. Macdougall, M. Meinshausen, Z. Nicholls, B. M. Sanderson, R. Seferian, M. Turetsky, R. Williams, S. Zaehle, G. Hegerl, C. Koven, J.-B. Sallee, and J. Rogelj. The Zero Emissions Commitment and climate stabilisation. Frontiers in Science, 1, November 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[15] | A. Treguier, C. de Boyer Montegut, A. Bozec, E. P. Chassignet, B. Fox-Kemper, A. M. Hogg, D. Iovino, A. E. Kiss, J. L. Sommer, Y. Li, P. Lin, C. Lique, H. Liu, G. Serazin, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, X. Xu, and S. Yeager. The mixed layer depth in the ocean model intercomparison project (OMIP): Impact of resolving mesoscale eddies. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(13):3849--3872, July 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[16] | R. E. Kopp, M. Oppenheimer, J. L. O'Reilly, S. S. Drijfhout, T. L. Edwards, B. Fox-Kemper, G. G. Garner, N. R. Golledge, T. Hermans, H. T. Hewitt, B. P. Horton, G. Krinner, D. Notz, S. Nowicki, M. D. Palmer, A. B. A. Slangen, and C. Xiao. Communicating projection uncertainty and ambiguity in sea-level assessment. Nature Climate Change, June 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[17] | L. Johnson, B. Fox-Kemper, Q. Li, H. Pham, and S. Sarkar. A finite-time ensemble method for mixed layer model comparison. Journal of Physical Oceanography, May 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[18] | H. Cao, B. Fox-Kemper, Z. Jing, X. Song, and Y. Liu. Towards the upper-ocean unbalanced submesoscale motions in the Oleander observations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53:1123--1138, April 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[19] | V. Morales-Marquez, I. Hernandez-Carrasco, B. Fox-Kemper, and A. Orfila. Ageostrophic contribution by the wind and waves induced flow to the lateral stirring in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 128:e2022JC019135, April 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[20] | H. Seo, L. W. O'Neill, M. A. Bourassa, A. Czaja, K. Drushka, J. B. Edson, B. Fox-Kemper, I. Frenger, S. T. Gille, B. P. Kirtman, S. Minobe, A. G. Pendergrass, L. Renault, M. J. Roberts, N. Schneider, R. J. Small, A. Stoffelen, and Q. Wang. Ocean mesoscale and frontal-scale ocean-atmosphere interactions and influence on large-scale climate: A review. Journal of Climate, March 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[21] | A. S. Bodner, B. Fox-Kemper, L. Johnson, L. P. Van Roekel, J. C. McWilliams, P. P. Sullivan, P. S. Hall, and J. Dong. Modifying the mixed layer eddy parameterization to include frontogenesis arrest by boundary layer turbulence. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(1):323--339, January 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[22] | H. T. Pham, S. Sarkar, L. Johnson, B. Fox-Kemper, P. P. Sullivan, and Q. Li. Multi-scale variability of turbulent mixing during a Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation in the Bay of Bengal: an LES study. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, January 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[23] | W. Xu, J.-E. Lee, B. Fox-Kemper, Y. Planton, and M. J. McPhaden. The Andes affect ENSO statistics. Journal of Climate, 35(21), October 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[24] | A. H. Cheung, S. Sandwick, X. Du, J. Abella-Gutierrez, R. S. Vachula, T. D. Herbert, B. Fox-Kemper, and J. C. Herguera. Middle to Late Holocene sea surface temperature and productivity changes in the northeast Pacific. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, October 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[25] | J. Dong, B. Fox-Kemper, Z. Jing, Q. Yang, J. Tian, and C. Dong. Turbulent dissipation in the surface mixed layer of an anticyclonic mesoscale eddy in the South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, August 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[26] | G. Marques, N. Loose, E. Yankovsky, J. Steinberg, C.-Y. Chang, N. Bhamidipati, A. Adcroft, B. Fox-Kemper, S. Griffies, R. Hallberg, M. Jansen, H. Khatri, and L. Zanna. Neverworld2: An idealized model hierarchy to investigate ocean mesoscale eddies across resolutions. Geoscientific Model Development, August 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[27] | H. Wang, C. Dong, B. Fox-Kemper, Q. Li, and Y. Yang. Parameterization of ocean surface wave-induced mixing using large eddy simulations (LES) II. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 203:105167, August 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[28] | J. Dong, Z. Jing, B. Fox-Kemper, Y. Wang, H. Cao, and C. Dong. Effects of symmetric instability in the Kuroshio Extension region. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 202:105142, August 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[29] | T. Boyer, F. Bringas, I. Cetinić, D. P. Chambers, L. Cheng, S. Dong, R. A. Feely, B. Fox-Kemper, E. Frajka-Williams, B. A. Franz, Y. Fu, M. Gao, J. Garg, J. Gilson, G. Goni, B. D. Hamlington, H. T. Hewitt, W. R. Hobbs, Z.-Z. Hu, B. Huang, S. Jevrejeva, W. E. Johns, G. C. Johnson, S. Katsunari, J. J. Kennedy, M. Kersalé, R. E. Killick, E. Leuliette, R. Locarnini, M. S. Lozier, R. Lumpkin, J. M. Lyman, M. A. Merrifield, A. Mishonov, G. T. Mitchum, B. I. Moat, R. S. Nerem, D. Notz, R. C. Perez, S. G. Purkey, D. Rayner, J. Reagan, C. Schmid, D. A. Siegel, D. A. Smeed, P. W. Stackhouse, W. Sweet, P. R. Thompson, D. L. Volkov, R. Wanninkhof, R. A. Weller, C. Wen, T. K. Westberry, M. J. Widlansky, J. K. Willis, L. Yu, and H.-M. Zhang. Global oceans. In G. C. Johnson and R. Lumpkin, editors, State of the Climate in 2021, volume 103, chapter 3, pages S143--S191. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, August 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[30] | T. Uchida, J. Le Sommer, C. Stern, R. Abernathey, C. Holdgraf, A. Albert, L. Brodeau, E. Chassignet, X. Xu, J. Gula, G. Roullet, N. Koldunov, S. Danilov, Q. Wang, D. Menemenlis, C. Bricaud, B. Arbic, J. Shriver, F. Qiao, B. Xiao, A. Biastoch, R. Schubert, B. Fox-Kemper, and W. Dewar. Cloud-based framework for inter-comparing submesoscale permitting realistic ocean models. Geoscientific Model Development, July 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[31] | H. Hewitt, B. Fox-Kemper, B. Pearson, M. Roberts, and D. Klocke. The small scales of the ocean may hold the key to surprises. Nature Climate Change, June 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[32] | P. Orenstein, B. Fox-Kemper, L. Johnson, Q. Li, and A. Sane. Evaluating coupled climate model parameterizations via skill at reproducing the monsoon intraseasonal oscillation. Journal of Climate, pages 1873---1884, March 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[33] | B. Fox-Kemper, L. Johnson, and F. Qiao. Ocean Mixing, chapter 4. Ocean Near-Surface Layers, pages 65--94. Elsevier, September 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[34] | J. Benoit and B. Fox-Kemper. Contextualizing thermal effluent impacts in Narragansett Bay using Landsat-derived surface temperature. Frontiers in Marine Science: Marine Pollution, 8:1247, September 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[35] | B. Fox-Kemper, H. T. Hewitt, C. Xiao, G. Adalgeirsdottir, S. S. Drijfhout, T. L. Edwards, N. R. Golledge, M. Hemer, R. E. Kopp, G. Krinner, A. Mix, D. Notz, S. Nowicki, I. S. Nurhati, L. Ruiz, J.-B. Sallee, A. B. A. Slangen, and Y. Yu. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, chapter Ocean, Cryosphere and Sea Level Change, pages 1211--1362. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, August 2021. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ] |
[36] | IPCC. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, chapter Summary for Policymakers, pages 3--32. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, August 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[37] | P. A. Arias, N. Bellouin, E. Coppola, R. G. Jones, G. Krinner, J. Marotzke, V. Naik, M. D. Palmer, G.-K. Plattner, J. Rogelj, M. Rojas, J. Sillmann, T. Storelvmo, P. W. Thorne, B. Trewin, K. A. Rao, B. Adhikary, R. P. Allan, K. Armour, G. Bala, R. Barimalala, S. Berger, J. G. Canadell, C. Cassou, A. Cherchi, W. Collins, W. D. Collins, S. L. Connors, S. Corti, F. Cruz, F. J. Dentener, C. Dereczynski, A. D. Luca, A. D. Niang, F. J. Doblas-Reyes, A. Dosio, H. Douville, F. Engelbrecht, V. Eyring, E. Fischer, P. Forster, B. Fox-Kemper, J. S. Fuglestvedt, J. C. Fyfe, N. P. Gillett, L. Goldfarb, I. Gorodetskaya, J. M. Gutierrez, R. Hamdi, E. Hawkins, H. T. Hewitt, P. Hope, A. S. Islam, C. Jones, D. S. Kaufman, R. E. Kopp, Y. Kosaka, J. Kossin, S. Krakovska, J.-Y. Lee, J. Li, T. Mauritsen, T. K. Maycock, M. Meinshausen, S.-K. Min, P. M. S. Monteiro, T. Ngo-Duc, F. Otto, I. Pinto, A. Pirani, K. Raghavan, R. Ranasinghe, A. C. Ruane, L. Ruiz, J.-B. Sallée, B. H. Samset, S. Sathyendranath, S. I. Seneviratne, A. A. Sörensson, S. Szopa, I. Takayabu, A.-M. Treguier, B. van den Hurk, R. Vautard, K. von Schuckmann, S. Zaehle, X. Zhang, and K. Zickfeld. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, chapter Technical Summary, pages 33--144. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, August 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[38] | IPCC. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, August 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[39] | B. Fox-Kemper, H. T. Hewitt, C. Xiao, G. Adalgeirsdottir, S. S. Drijfhout, T. L. Edwards, N. R. Golledge, M. Hemer, R. E. Kopp, G. Krinner, A. Mix, D. Notz, S. Nowicki, I. S. Nurhati, L. Ruiz, J.-B. Sallee, A. B. A. Slangen, and Y. Yu. Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, chapter Ocean, Cryosphere and Sea Level Change Supplementary Material. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, August 2021. [ bib | http ] |
[40] | H. Cao, B. Fox-Kemper, and Z. Jing. Submesoscale eddies in the upper ocean of the Kuroshio Extension from high-resolution simulation: Energy budget. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(7):2181--2201, July 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[41] | A. Sane, B. Fox-Kemper, D. Ullman, C. Kincaid, and L. Rothstein. Consistent predictability of the Ocean State Ocean Model (OSOM) using information theory and flushing timescales. Journal of Geophysical Research -- Oceans, 126(7):e2020JC016875, June 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[42] | J. Dong, B. Fox-Kemper, H. Zhang, and C. Dong. The scale and activity of symmetric instability estimated from a global submesoscale-permitting ocean model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(5):1655--1670, May 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[43] | B. Pearson, J. Pearson, and B. Fox-Kemper. Advective structure functions in anisotropic two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 916:A49, April 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[44] | J. Dong, B. Fox-Kemper, J. Zhu, and C. Dong. Application of symmetric instability parameterization in the Coastal and Regional Ocean Community Model (CROCO). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), 13(3):e2020MS002302, March 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[45] | Z. Jing, B. Fox-Kemper, H. Cao, R. Zheng, and Y. Du. Submesoscale fronts and their dynamical processes associated with symmetric instability in the Northwest Pacific subtropical ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(1):83--100, January 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[46] | D. Calvert, A. Nurser, M. J. Bell, and B. Fox-Kemper. The impact of a parameterisation of submesoscale mixed layer eddies on mixed layer depths in the NEMO ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 154:101678, October 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[47] | E. P. Chassignet, S. Yeager, B. Fox-Kemper, A. Bozec, F. Castruccio, G. Danabasoglu, C. Horvat, W. M. Kim, N. Koldunov, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, D. Sein, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, and X. Xu. Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2). Geoscientific Model Development, 13, September 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[48] | H. T. Hewitt, M. Roberts, P. Mathiot, A. Biastoch, E. Blackley, E. P. Chassignet, B. Fox-Kemper, P. Hyder, D. P. Marshall, E. Popova, A.-M. Treguier, L. Zanna, A. Yool, Y. Yu, R. Beadling, M. Bell, T. Kuhlbrodt, T. Arsouze, A. Bellucci, F. Castruccio, B. Gan, D. Pustrasahan, C. D. Roberts, L. Van Roekel, and Q. Zhiang. Resolving and parameterising the ocean mesoscale in earth system models. Current Climate Change Reports, September 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[49] | J. Dong, B. Fox-Kemper, H. Zhang, and C. Dong. The scale of submesoscale baroclinic instability globally. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50(9):2649--2667, September 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[50] | A. Bodner and B. Fox-Kemper. A breakdown in potential vorticity estimation delineates the submesoscale-to-turbulence boundary in large eddy simulations. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), August 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[51] | H. Tsujino, L. S. Urakawa, S. M. Griffies, G. Danabasoglu, A. J. Adcroft, A. E. Amaral, T. Arsouze, M. Bentsen, R. Bernardello, C. W. Boning, A. Bozec, E. P. Chassignet, S. Danilov, R. Dussin, E. Exarchou, P. G. Fogli, B. Fox-Kemper, C. Guo, M. Ilicak, D. Iovino, W. M. Kim, N. Koldunov, V. Lapin, Y. Li, P. Lin, K. Lindsay, H. Liu, M. C. Long, Y. Komuro, S. J. Marsland, S. Masina, A. Nummelin, J. K. Rieck, Y. Ruprich-Robert, M. Scheinert, V. Sicardi, D. Sidorenko, T. Suzuki, H. Tatebe, Q. Wang, S. G. Yeager, and Z. Yu. Evaluation of global ocean--sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2). Geoscientific Model Development, 13:3643--3708, July 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[52] | C. L. Gentemann, J. P. Scott, P. L. F. Mazzini, C. Pianca, S. Akella, P. J. Minnett, P. Cornillon, B. Fox-Kemper, I. Cetinic, T. M. Chin, J. Gomez-Valdes, J. Vazquez-Cuervo, V. Tsontos, L. Yu, R. Jenkins, S. D. Halleux, D. Peacock, and N. Cohen. Saildrone: adaptively sampling the marine environment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(6):E744--E762, June 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[53] | E. A. D'Asaro, D. F. Carlson, M. Chamecki, R. R. Harcourt, B. K. Haus, B. Fox-Kemper, M. J. Molemaker, A. C. Poje, and D. Yang. Advances in observing and understanding small-scale open ocean circulation during the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative era. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:349, May 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[54] | J. Pearson, B. Fox-Kemper, B. Pearson, H. Chang, B. K. Haus, J. Horstmann, H. S. Huntley, A. D. Kirwan, Jr., B. Lund, and A. Poje. Biases in structure functions from observations of submesoscale flows. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 125:e2019JC015769, May 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[55] | V. Resseguier, W. Pan, and B. Fox-Kemper. Data-driven versus self-similar parameterizations for Stochastic Lie Transport and Location Uncertainty. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 27:209--234, April 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[56] | J. Skitka, J. B. Marston, and B. Fox-Kemper. Reduced-order quasilinear model of ocean boundary-layer turbulence. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50(3):537--558, March 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[57] | J. Dong, B. Fox-Kemper, H. Zhang, and C. Dong. The seasonality of submesoscale energy production, content, and cascade. Geophysical Research Letters, 47:e2020GL087388, March 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[58] | G. Danabasoglu, J.-F. Lamarque, J. Bacmeister, D. A. Bailey, A. K. DuVivier, J. Edwards, L. K. Emmons, J. Fasullo, R. Garcia, A. Gettelman, C. Hannay, M. M. Holland, W. G. Large, D. M. Lawrence, J. T. M. Lenaerts, K. Lindsay, W. H. Lipscomb, M. J. Mills, R. Neale, K. W. Oleson, B. Otto-Bliesner, A. S. Phillips, W. Sacks, S. Tilmes, L. van Kampenhout, M. Vertenstein, A. Bertini, J. Dennis, C. Deser, C. Fischer, B. Fox-Kemper, J. E. Kay, D. Kinnison, P. J. Kushner, M. C. Long, S. Mickelson, J. K. Moore, E. Nienhouse, L. Polvani, P. J. Rasch, and W. G. Strand. The Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), 12(2):e2019MS001916, February 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[59] | S. D. Bachman, B. Fox-Kemper, and F. O. Bryan. A diagnosis of anisotropic eddy diffusion from a high-resolution global ocean model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(2):e2019MS001904, February 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[60] | E. van Sebille, S. Aliani, K. L. Law, N. Maximenko, J. M. Alsina, A. Bagaev, M. Bergmann, B. Chapron, I. Chubarenko, A. Cozar, P. Delandmeter, M. Egger, B. Fox-Kemper, S. P. Garaba, L. Goddijn-Murphy, B. D. Hardesty, M. J. Hoffman, A. Isobe, C. E. Jongedijk, M. L. A. Kaandorp, L. Khatmullina, A. A. Koelmans, T. Kukulka, C. Laufkotter, L. Lebreton, D. Lobelle, C. Maes, V. Martinez-Vicente, M. A. M. Maqueda, M. Poulain-Zarcos, E. Rodriguez, P. G. Ryan, W. J. Shim, G. Suaria, M. Thiel, T. S. van den Bremer, and D. Wichmann. The physical oceanography of the transport of floating marine debris. Environmental Research Letters, 15, February 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[61] | A. Bodner, B. Fox-Kemper, L. Van Roekel, J. McWilliams, and P. Sullivan. A perturbation approach to understanding the effects of turbulence on frontogenesis. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 883:A25, January 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[62] | Q. Li and B. Fox-Kemper. Anisotropy of Langmuir turbulence and the Langmuir-enhanced mixed layer entrainment. Physical Review Fluids, 5:013803, January 2020. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ] |
[63] | H. Chang, H. S. Huntley, J. A. D. Kirwan, D. F. Carlson, J. A. Mensa, S. Mehta, G. Novelli, T. Ozgokmen, B. Fox-Kemper, B. Pearson, J. Pearson, R. Harcourt, and A. J. Poje. Small-scale dispersion in the presence of Langmuir circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(12):3069--3085, December 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[64] | H. Cao, Z. Jing, B. Fox-Kemper, T. Yan, and Y. Qi. Scale transition from geostrophic motions to internal waves in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 124, December 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[65] | C. Horvat, L. Roach, R. Tilling, C. Bitz, B. Fox-Kemper, C. Guider, K. Hill, A. Ridout, and A. Sheperd. Estimating the sea ice floe size distribution using satellite altimetry: theory, climatology, and model comparison. The Cryosphere, 13:2869--2885, November 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[66] | Q. Li, B. G. Reichl, B. Fox-Kemper, A. J. Adcroft, S. Belcher, G. Danabasoglu, A. Grant, S. M. Griffies, R. W. Hallberg, T. Hara, R. Harcourt, T. Kukulka, W. G. Large, J. C. McWilliams, B. Pearson, P. Sullivan, L. V. Roekel, P. Wang, and Z. Zheng. Comparing ocean boundary vertical mixing schemes including Langmuir turbulence. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), 11(11):3545--3592, November 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[67] | A. Cheung, B. Fox-Kemper, and T. D. Herbert. Can we use sea surface temperature and productivity proxy records to reconstruct Ekman upwelling? Climate of the Past, 15:1985--1998, November 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[68] | S. Ahn, B. Fox-Kemper, T. D. Herbert, M. Altabet, and C. E. Lawrence. Autoregressive statistical modeling of a Peru Margin multi-proxy Holocene record shows correlation not causation, flickering regimes and persistence. Journal of Statistical Physics, pages 1--19, October 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[69] | J. B. Weiss, B. Fox-Kemper, D. Mandal, A. D. Nelson, and R. K. P. Zia. Nonequilibrium oscillations, probability angular momentum, and the climate system. Journal of Statistical Physics, pages 1--18, October 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[70] | J.-E. Lee, B. Fox-Kemper, C. Horvat, and Y. Ming. The response of East Asian monsoon to the precessional cycle: A new study using the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory model. Geophysical Research Letters, September 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[71] | A. B. Villas Boas, F. Ardhuin, A. Ayet, M. A. Bourassa, P. Brandt, B. Chapron, B. D. Cornuelle, J. T. Farrar, M. R. Fewings, B. Fox-Kemper, S. T. Gille, C. Gommenginger, P. Heimbach, M. C. Hell, Q. Li, M. R. Mazloff, S. T. Merrifield, A. Mouche, M. H. Rio, E. Rodriguez, J. D. Shutler, A. C. Subramanian, E. J. Terrill, M. Tsamados, C. Ubelmann, and E. van Sebille. Integrated observations and modeling of winds, currents, and waves: requirements and challenges for the next decade. In Oceanobs19: An Ocean of Opportunity, volume 6, page 425. Frontiers in Marine Science, July 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[72] | D. Stammer, A. Bracco, K. AchutaRao, L. Beal, N. Bindoff, P. Braconnot, W. Cai, D. Chen, M. Collins, G. Danabasoglu, B. Dewitte, R. Farneti, B. Fox-Kemper, J. Fyfe, S. Griffies, S. R. Jayne, A. Lazar, M. Lengaigne, X. Lin, S. Marsland, S. Minobe, P. Monteiro, W. Robinson, R. M. Koll, R. Rykaczewski, S. Speich, I. Smith, A. Solomon, A. Storto, K. Takahashi, T. Tonazzo, and J. Vialard. Ocean climate observing requirements in support of climate research and climate information. In Oceanobs19: An Ocean of Opportunity, volume 6, page 444. Frontiers in Marine Science, July 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[73] | C. Gommenginger, B. Chapron, A. Hogg, C. Buckingham, B. Fox-Kemper, L. Eriksson, F. Soulat, C. Ubelmann, F. Ocampo-Torres, B. B. Nardelli, D. Griffin, P. Lopez-Dekker, P. Knudsen, O. Andersen, L. Stenseng, N. Stapleton, W. Perrie, N. Violante-Carvalho, J. Schulz-Stellenfleth, D. Woolf, J. Isern-Fontanet, F. Ardhuin, P. Klein, A. Mouche, A. Pascual, X. Capet, D. Hauser, A. Stoffelen, R. Morrow, L. Aouf, O. Breivik, L.-L. Fu, J. Johannessen, Y. Aksenov, L. Bricheno, J. Hirschi, A. C. Martin, A. P. Martin, G. Nurser, J. Polton, J. Wolf, H. Johnsen, A. Soloviev, G. A. Jacobs, F. Collard, S. Groom, V. Kudryavstev, J. Wilkin, V. Navarro, A. Babanin, M. Martin, J. Siddorn, A. Saulter, T. Rippeth, B. Emery, N. Maximenko, R. Romeiser, H. Graber, A. A. Azcarate, C. Hughes, D. Vandemark, J. da Silva, P.-J. V. Leeuwen, A. Naveira-Gabarato, J. Gemmrich, A. Mahadevan, J. Marquez, Y. Munro, S. Doody, and G. Burbidge. Seastar: a mission to study ocean submesoscale dynamics and small-scale atmosphere-ocean processes in coastal, shelf and polar seas. In Oceanobs19: An Ocean of Opportunity, volume 6, page 457. Frontiers, July 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[74] | J. Pearson, B. Fox-Kemper, R. Barkan, J. Choi, A. Bracco, and J. C. McWilliams. Impacts of convergence on Lagrangian statistics in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(3):675--690, March 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[75] | B. Fox-Kemper, A. Adcroft, C. W. Boening, Claus W., E. P. Chassignet, E. Curchitser, G. Danabasoglu, C. Eden, M. H. England, R. Gerdes, R. J. Greatbatch, S. M. Griffies, R. W. Hallberg, E. Hanert, P. Heimbach, H. T. Hewitt, C. N. Hill, Y. Komuro, S. Legg, J. Le Sommer, S. Masina, S. J. Marsland, S. G. Penny, F. Qiao, T. D. Ringler, A. M. Treguier, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, and S. G. Yeager. Challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:65, February 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[76] | D. F. Carlson, T. Ozgokmen, G. Novelli, C. Guigand, H. Chang, B. Fox-Kemper, J. Mensa, S. Mehta, E. Fredj, H. Huntley, A. D. Kirwan, M. Berta, M. Rebozo, M. Curcic, E. Ryan, B. Lund, B. Haus, C. Hunt, S. Chen, L. Bracken, and J. Horstmann. Surface ocean dispersion observations from the ship-tethered aerostat remote sensing system. Frontiers in Marine Science, December 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[77] | M. Stamper, B. Fox-Kemper, and J. R. Taylor. The growth and saturation of submesoscale instabilities in the presence of a barotropic jet. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48:2779--2797, November 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[78] | K. M. Smith, P. E. Hamlington, K. E. Niemeyer, B. Fox-Kemper, and N. S. Lovenduski. Effects of Langmuir turbulence on upper ocean carbonate chemistry. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), 10, November 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[79] | S. C. Clemens, A. Holbourn, Y. Kubota, K. E. Lee, Z. Liu, G. Chen, A. Nelson, and B. Fox-Kemper. Precession-band variance missing from East Asian monsoon runoff. Nature Communications, 9(3364), August 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[80] | B. Fox-Kemper. New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography, chapter Notions for the Motions of the Oceans, pages 27--73. GODAE OceanView, August 2018. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ] |
[81] | B. Pearson and B. Fox-Kemper. Log-normal turbulence dissipation in global ocean models. Physical Review Letters, 120(9):094501, March 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[82] | Q. Li and B. Fox-Kemper. Assessing the effects of Langmuir turbulence on the entrainment buoyancy flux in the ocean surface boundary layer. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47:2863--2886, December 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[83] | G. Jacobs and B. Fox-Kemper. Ocean dynamics (invited). In The Sea: The Science of Ocean Prediction, Journal of Marine Research, volume 75, pages 641--682. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, November 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[84] | D. B. Haidvogel, E. N. Curchitser, S. Danilov, and B. Fox-Kemper. Numerical modelling in a multiscale ocean (invited). In The Sea: The Science of Ocean Prediction, Journal of Marine Research, volume 75, pages 683--725. Sears Foundation for Marine Research, November 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[85] | Q. Li, B. Fox-Kemper, O. Breivik, and A. Webb. Statistical models of global Langmuir mixing. Ocean Modelling, 113:95--114, May 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[86] | B. Pearson, B. Fox-Kemper, S. D. Bachman, and F. O. Bryan. Evaluation of scale-aware subgrid mesoscale eddy models in a global eddy-rich model. Ocean Modelling, 115:42--58, May 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[87] | S. D. Bachman, B. Fox-Kemper, and B. Pearson. A scale-aware subgrid model for quasigeostrophic turbulence. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 122:1529--1554, March 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[88] | S. D. Bachman, B. Fox-Kemper, J. R. Taylor, and L. N. Thomas. Parameterization of frontal symmetric instabilities. I: Theory for resolved fronts. Ocean Modelling, 109:72--95, January 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[89] | J.-E. Lee, A. Shen, B. Fox-Kemper, and Y. Ming. Hemispheric sea ice distribution sets the glacial tempo. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, January 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[90] | S. Bova, T. D. Herbert, and B. Fox-Kemper. Rapid variations in deep ocean temperature detected in the Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, December 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[91] | S. M. Griffies, G. Danabasoglu, P. J. Durack, A. J. Adcroft, V. Balaji, C. W. Boning, E. P. Chassignet, E. Curchitser, J. Deshayes, H. Drange, B. Fox-Kemper, P. J. Gleckler, J. M. Gregory, H. Haak, R. W. Hallberg, H. T. Hewitt, D. M. Holland, T. Ilyina, J. H. Junglaus, Y. Komuro, J. P. Krasting, W. G. Large, S. J. Marsland, S. Masina, T. J. McDougall, A. J. G. Nurser, J. C. Orr, A. Pirani, F. Qiao, R. J. Stouffer, K. E. Taylor, A. M. Treguier, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, M. Valdivieso, M. Winton, and S. G. Yeager. Experimental and diagnostic protocol for the physical component of the CMIP6 Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP). Geoscientific Model Development, 9:3231--3296, September 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[92] | Q. Li, A. Webb, B. Fox-Kemper, A. Craig, G. Danabasoglu, W. G. Large, and M. Vertenstein. Langmuir mixing effects on global climate: WAVEWATCH III in CESM. Ocean Modelling, 103:145--160, July 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[93] | N. Suzuki, B. Fox-Kemper, P. E. Hamlington, and L. P. Van Roekel. Surface waves affect frontogenesis. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 121:1--28, May 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[94] | Z. Jing, Y. Qi, B. Fox-Kemper, Y. Du, and S. Lian. Seasonal thermal fronts and their associations with monsoon forcing on the continental shelf of northern South China Sea: Satellite measurements and three repeated field surveys in winter, spring and summer. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 121:1914--1930, April 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[95] | N. Suzuki and B. Fox-Kemper. Understanding Stokes forces in the wave-averaged equations. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 121:1--18, April 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[96] | J. Callies, G. Flierl, R. Ferrari, and B. Fox-Kemper. The role of mixed layer instabilities in submesoscale turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 788:5--41, February 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[97] | K. M. Smith, P. E. Hamlington, and B. Fox-Kemper. Effects of submesoscale turbulence on ocean tracers. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 121(1):908--933, January 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[98] | A. Webb and B. Fox-Kemper. Impacts of wave spreading and multidirectional waves on estimating Stokes drift. Ocean Modelling, 96(1):49--64, December 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[99] | S. Haney, B. Fox-Kemper, K. Julien, and A. Webb. Symmetric and geostrophic instabilities in the wave-forced ocean mixed layer. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45:3033--3056, December 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[100] | K. McCaffrey, B. Fox-Kemper, and G. Forget. Estimates of ocean macro-turbulence: Structure function and spectral slope from Argo profiling floats. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45(7):1773--1793, July 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[101] | S. Belcher, H. Hewitt, A. Beljaars, E. Brun, B. Fox-Kemper, J.-F. Lemieux, G. Smith, and S. Valcke. Ocean-waves-sea ice-atmosphere interactions (invited). In G. Brunet, S. Jones, and P. M. Ruti, editors, Seamless Prediction of the Earth System: from minutes to months, number WMO-No. 1156. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, June 2015. [ bib | http ] |
[102] | K. McCaffrey, B. Fox-Kemper, P. Hamlington, and J. Thomson. Characterization of turbulence anisotropy, coherence, and intermittency at a prospective tidal energy site: Observational data analysis. Renewable Energy, 76:441--453, April 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[103] | S. Bachman, B. Fox-Kemper, and F. O. Bryan. A tracer-based inversion method for diagnosing eddy-induced diffusivity and advection. Ocean Modelling, 86:1--14, February 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[104] | P. E. Hamlington, L. P. Van Roekel, B. Fox-Kemper, K. Julien, and G. P. Chini. Langmuir-submesoscale interactions: Descriptive analysis of multiscale frontal spin-down simulations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44(9):2249--2272, September 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[105] | S. M. Reckinger, O. V. Vasilyev, and B. Fox-Kemper. Adaptive wavelet collocation method on the shallow water model. Journal of Computational Physics, 271:342--359, August 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[106] | W. A. Qazi, W. J. Emery, and B. Fox-Kemper. Computing ocean surface currents over the coastal California Current System using 30-minute lag sequential SAR images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(12):7559--7580, June 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[107] | E. A. D'Asaro, J. Thomson, A. Y. Shcherbina, R. R. Harcourt, M. F. Cronin, M. A. Hemer, and B. Fox-Kemper. Quantifying upper ocean turbulence driven by surface waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(1):102--107, January 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[108] | S. Stevenson, H. V. McGregor, S. J. Phipps, and B. Fox-Kemper. Quantifying errors in coral-based ENSO estimates: Towards improved forward modeling of δ18O. Paleoceanography, 28(4):633--649, December 2013. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[109] | J. C. McWilliams and B. Fox-Kemper. Oceanic wave-balanced surface fronts and filaments. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 730:464--490, September 2013. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[110] | S. Stevenson, B. Rajagopalan, and B. Fox-Kemper. Generalized linear modeling of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation with application to seasonal forecasting and climate change projections. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 118(8):3764--3781, August 2013. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[111] | S. Bachman and B. Fox-Kemper. Eddy parameterization challenge suite. I: Eady spindown. Ocean Modelling, 64:12--28, April 2013. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[112] | B. Fox-Kemper, R. Lumpkin, and F. O. Bryan. Lateral transport in the ocean interior. In G. Siedler, S. M. Griffies, J. Gould, and J. A. Church, editors, Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st century perspective, volume 103 of International Geophysics Series, chapter 8, pages 185--209. Academic Press (Elsevier Online), 2013. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[113] | L. Cavaleri, B. Fox-Kemper, and M. Hemer. Wind waves in the coupled climate system. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93(11):1651--1661, November 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[114] | S. C. Bates, B. Fox-Kemper, S. R. Jayne, W. G. Large, S. Stevenson, and S. G. Yeager. Mean biases, variability, and trends in air-sea fluxes and SST in the CCSM4. Journal of Climate, 25(22):7781--7801, November 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[115] | S. Stevenson, B. Fox-Kemper, and M. Jochum. Understanding the ENSO-CO2 link using stabilized climate simulations. Journal of Climate, 25(22):7917--7936, November 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[116] | S. Haney, S. Bachman, B. Cooper, S. Kupper, K. McCaffrey, L. Van Roekel, S. Stevenson, B. Fox-Kemper, and R. Ferrari. Hurricane wake restratification rates of 1, 2 and 3-dimensional processes. Journal of Marine Research, 70(6):824--850, November 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[117] | S. E. Belcher, A. A. L. M. Grant, K. E. Hanley, B. Fox-Kemper, L. Van Roekel, P. P. Sullivan, W. G. Large, A. Brown, A. Hines, D. Calvert, A. Rutgersson, H. Petterson, J. Bidlot, P. A. E. M. Janssen, and J. A. Polton. A global perspective on Langmuir turbulence in the ocean surface boundary layer. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(18):L18605, 9pp, September 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[118] | T. P. Phillips, R. S. Nerem, B. Fox-Kemper, J. S. Famiglietti, and B. Rajagopalan. The influence of ENSO on global terrestrial water storage using GRACE. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(16):L16705, 7pp, August 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[119] | L. P. Van Roekel, P. E. Hamlington, and B. Fox-Kemper. Multiscale simulations of Langmuir cells and submesoscale eddies using XSEDE resources. In Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Bridging from the eXtreme to the campus and beyond, XSEDE '12, pages 20:1--20:8, New York, NY, USA, July 2012. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[120] | S. M. Reckinger, O. V. Vasilyev, and B. Fox-Kemper. Adaptive volume penalization for ocean modeling. Ocean Dynamics, 62(8):1201--1215, June 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[121] | L. P. Van Roekel, B. Fox-Kemper, P. P. Sullivan, P. E. Hamlington, and S. R. Haney. The form and orientation of Langmuir cells for misaligned winds and waves. Journal of Geophysical Research--Oceans, 117:C05001, 22pp, May 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[122] | S. Stevenson, B. Fox-Kemper, M. Jochum, R. Neale, C. Deser, and G. Meehl. Will there be a significant change to El Nino in the 21st century? Journal of Climate, 25(6):2129--2145, March 2012. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[123] | B. Fox-Kemper, G. Danabasoglu, R. Ferrari, S. M. Griffies, R. W. Hallberg, M. M. Holland, M. E. Maltrud, S. Peacock, and B. L. Samuels. Parameterization of mixed layer eddies. III: Implementation and impact in global ocean climate simulations. Ocean Modelling, 39:61--78, 2011. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[124] | I. Grooms, K. Julien, and B. Fox-Kemper. On the interactions between planetary geostrophy and mesoscale eddies. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 51:109--136, 2011. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[125] | A. Webb and B. Fox-Kemper. Wave spectral moments and Stokes drift estimation. Ocean Modelling, 40(3-4):273--288, 2011. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[126] | S. Stevenson, B. Fox-Kemper, M. Jochum, B. Rajagopalan, and S. G. Yeager. ENSO model validation using wavelet probability analysis. Journal of Climate, 23:5540--5547, 2010. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[127] | M. Jochum, B. Fox-Kemper, P. Molnar, and C. Shields. Differences in the Indonesian Seaway in a coupled climate model and their relevance to Pliocene climate and El Nino. Paleoceanography, 24:PA1212, 2009. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[128] | B. Fox-Kemper and R. Ferrari. An eddifying Parsons model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(12):3216--3227, 2009. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[129] | B. Fox-Kemper and D. Menemenlis. Can large eddy simulation techniques improve mesoscale-rich ocean models? In M. Hecht and H. Hasumi, editors, Ocean Modeling in an Eddying Regime, volume 177, pages 319--338. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, 2008. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[130] | B. Fox-Kemper and R. Ferrari. Parameterization of mixed layer eddies. Part II: Prognosis and impact. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38(6):1166--1179, 2008. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[131] | B. Fox-Kemper, R. Ferrari, and R. W. Hallberg. Parameterization of mixed layer eddies. Part I: Theory and diagnosis. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38(6):1145--1165, 2008. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[132] | G. Boccaletti, R. Ferrari, and B. Fox-Kemper. Mixed layer instabilities and restratification. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37(9):2228--2250, 2007. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[133] | B. Fox-Kemper. Reevaluating the roles of eddies in multiple barotropic wind-driven gyres. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35(7):1263--1278, 2005. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[134] | B. Fox-Kemper. Wind-driven barotropic gyre II: Effects of eddies and low interior viscosity. Journal of Marine Research, 62(2):195--232, 2004. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[135] | B. Fox-Kemper and J. Pedlosky. Wind-driven barotropic gyre I: Circulation control by eddy vorticity fluxes to an enhanced removal region. Journal of Marine Research, 62(2):169--193, 2004. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[136] | B. Fox-Kemper, R. Ferrari, and J. Pedlosky. On the indeterminacy of rotational and divergent eddy fluxes. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33(2):478--483, 2003. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
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