Fox-Kemper Research Group Fox-Kemper Research Group
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 GEOL1950M, Fall 2017

GEOL 1950M: Geoengineering,

or, The Unnatural World Brown Critical Review Link

Examines the processes, dynamics, and consequences of geoengineering, or intentional climate intervention, approaches to controlling climate change. Through assignments stu- dents will create a series of referenced, researched, public wikipedia pages summarizing the state of the art understanding (i.e., a geoengineering hackathon). Intended for under- graduate and graduate students with interests in oceans, climate, paleoclimate, engineer- ing, and climate change policy. Pre-requisite: GEOL0240 or ENVS0490 or GEOL1350 recommended; permission of instructor required. Enrollment limited to 30.

You can access the syllabus, class calendar, notes, and reading, class calendar, notes, and reading, or A Group Project Wikipedia Page on Carbon Dioxide Removal, or A Group Project Wikipedia Page on Solar Radiation Management

Government Conspiracy? Facts? Salvation? Hubris? Illegal?

Web Resources and Texts

  1. Peer reviewing guidelines
  2. Reading assignment guidelines
  3. Tutoring
  4. Science Center Advising

Main Texts

  1. Biello, The Unnatural World
  2. IPCC Physical Science Basis Summary for Policymakers
  3. IPCC Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability Summary for Policymakers
  4. IPCC Mitigation of Climate Change Summary for Policymakers
  5. National Research Council, Climate Intervention Reports

Secondary Textbooks

  1. Marshall and Plumb, Atmosphere, ocean, and climate dynamics: an introductory text
  2. Vallis, Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics : Fundamentals and Large-Scale Circulation
  3. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), 2013.


  1. National Academies' Reports on Climate Change
  2. National Climate Assessment
  3. GeoMIP
  4. GISS Temperature Trends
  5. IPCC Home Site
  6. NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
  7. IRI Resources
  9. To What Degree? NSF Climate Change Report
  10. UN Ocean Atlas

Brown Specific Guidelines

  1. Student and Employee Accessibility Services (SEAS)
  2. Academic & Student Conduct Codes, *Note* Prof. Fox-Kemper regards inappropriate cellphone and laptop use as disruptive behavior.
  3. Academic Code
  4. Liberal Learning at Brown